After a flood in their apartment block, struggling actress Aida (Salma Samy) and her 70-year-old neighbor Samiha (Menha Batraoui) suddenly find themselves homeless. Joined by their friend Yassin (Marwan Alazab), the women roam the streets of Cairo seeking shelter. Along the way, they must confront the past and discover the value of friendship.
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Tonight we present an obscure science fiction fantasy film from the 1970s.
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José (Eusebio Poncela) is struggling to finish a low-budget horror movie, when he returns home to find a tape left by Pedro (Will More), an eccentric former acquaintance who is now a successful avant-garde director in Madrid. Pedro reveals something sinister that happens each night as he records himself sleeping. The tape triggers José to follow Pedro down his own destructive path.
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